A short little video to demonstrate the method for fitting battens to the batten pockets on most of our small to medium size sails.
Bend the batten before it goes into the pocket to find out which end is more flexible. That is the end that goes into the pocket first.
Then follow this video.
Hope that helps.
Any concerns about sails we have made please email us on orders@reallysimplesails.com
For those who are not used to sails yet or have not seen this method of fitting battens. Battens are used to support the back edge of the sail. They allow the mast height to be a bit shorter without reducing the amount of sail carried.
There are two types of battens.
There are full length battens and there are short (or leach) battens.
This method is for leach battens which are not generally adjustable.
Full length battens go from the back edge of the sail all the way to the front edge of the sail. They usually are adjustable so will use a different method.
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