Eduardo in Uruguay writing about his Mayfly 14 sail we made for him four years back.
From Eduardo:
Dear Edna and Michael,
My name is Eduardo and in 2018 I purchased a Mayfly 14 expedition sail. At the time I made a remark about the choice or blue thread. I don´t know why I did so. It could have been because it was unexpected. Either way it is a comment I deeply regret, I offer you my humblest apologies and I hope you will forgive me. (Of course we do – RSS)
The thing is, I love this sail down to the last detail.

That said, I am happy to report that my Mayfly is finally done and the sail fits like a dream. I followed most of your rigging advice.
I did have to experiment to get rid of the pesky throat to clew crease. At first I tried a combination of vang and bleater but no amount of tension and fiddling seemed to get rid of it. Then I tried pushing down on the front of the boom and sure enough, it made a huge difference. So I went for a double vang system à la Chuck Pierce.
I have not done enough sailing yet to comment much on pointing angles and such but it sure takes me where I want to go. I include a picture and hope to get some good sailing ones in the future. I added a lazy jack and I am very pleased with it, it is super convenient.
In the picture a mistake I made can be seen. I should have fastened the mainsheet directly to the clew, but I was in a hurry and attached it to the boom instead. Of course it slid. Lesson learned.
Thank you very much for your excellent design and outstanding craftmanship of your sail!
Best regards,
Eduardo F.